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Coffee Trends 2023 Australia

Australia Coffee Market: A Statistical Overview

Emerging Trends in Australia's Coffee Scene

The Australian coffee scene is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging that are set to shape our coffee experiences in 2023 and beyond.

Key Statistics on Australia's Coffee Market

In 2023, the Australian Coffee Market size was estimated at USD 146 billion. The industry generates 58 billion USD in revenue annually, and domestic coffee consumption amounted to more than 22 million 60-kilogram bags.

Growth Drivers of the Australian Coffee Market

The coffee market is expected to continue its upward trend in Australia, driven by several factors:

  • Expanding coffee consumption in emerging markets
  • Increasing demand for specialty coffee
  • Growing popularity of coffee subscription services
  • Expansion of coffee shops into new locations


The Australian coffee market is thriving, with a vibrant and innovative coffee scene. Industry statistics indicate a promising future for the industry, driven by key trends and growth drivers. As the market continues to evolve, coffee lovers can anticipate exciting new experiences and innovative coffee creations.
