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Earth Hour 2024


Earth Hour 2024: A Call to Give an Hour for Earth

Join the Global Movement for a Sustainable Planet

Mark Your Calendars for Earth Hour 2025: March 22nd, 8:30 PM Local Time

Earth Hour 2024 was a resounding success, with millions of participants around the world taking part in this global movement for a sustainable planet. As we gear up for Earth Hour 2025, set for March 22nd at 8:30 PM local time, we invite you to join us again next year for an even more impactful event.

Earth Hour aims to create the "Biggest Hour for Earth." Under the rallying cry "Give an Hour for Earth," the initiative encourages individuals, organizations, and cities to participate by turning off non-essential lights for one hour. This symbolic act serves as a reminder of the importance of energy conservation and protecting our precious planet.

On March 23rd, 2024, the WWF led the 17th edition of Earth Hour, marking the largest global mobilization for the environment. With the support of millions worldwide, thousands of cities and businesses turned off their lights, creating a powerful visual statement about our collective commitment to a sustainable future.

Earth Hour is not merely about switching off lights for an hour; it is about inspiring meaningful change. By participating in this event, we pledge to reduce our carbon footprint, advocate for environmental policies, and make conscious choices in our daily lives that benefit our planet.

Join us in making Earth Hour 2025 an even greater success. Spread the word, invite your friends and family, and encourage your community to participate. Together, let's create a beacon of hope for a sustainable future on our shared planet.

